posted 1st May 2024

"Little girls should be seen and not heard."
Please tell me I'm not the only one who would be dealt the phrase throughout childhood!? Anyone?
These innocent little words served in a somewhat irreverent tone by my well-meaning mum, shaped the understanding of my place in the world from a very young age.
It was a constant reminder during family gatherings that as a little girl, my voice was less valued, that I should remain on the periphery—seen, but silent. This societal mantra was not only directed at me but at many girls and women who were taught to suppress their voices from a young age.
As I navigated through adolescence into adulthood, and now as a mother myself, I am set on rewriting this outdated script—not just for my daughter but also for my son. They both deserve a world where their thoughts are heard and their presence is acknowledged equally.
The FemTech brand Elvie has recently launched a bold and wonderful campaign across billboards in Times Square that takes a monumental step towards shattering the silence of emotions women experience in their 4th trimester. Worlds like "anxiety," "baby blues," and "bleeding" bring the often-whispered realities of new motherhood into the glaringly public eye and I for one, am taking my hat off to the marketing team behind it!
Why This Matters
This bold move by Elvie resonates deeply with me, not only as a woman but also as a menopause and wellness advocate. It's a testament to the power of voice and the urgent need to normalise these conversations!
Here's how we can take a leaf out of Elvie's book and start the much needed conversations in our workplace and communities.

1. We want to see you, we want to hear you!
My invitation to you is to channel your inner-Elvie and initiate discussions about personal health experiences openly at work.
Whether it's through casual chats with colleagues or structured sessions like lunch-and-learn gatherings, simply talking about women's health can demystify and destigmatise what has traditionally been considered 'private' or 'inappropriate' to discuss in professional settings.
2. Support Networks
Then, building on that, take comfort in support groups that advocate for women's health.
The universe has a funny way of showing you things when you're ready so look and thee shall find. These networks can serve as crucial support systems that provide empathy, advice and a safe space to share and learn from each other's experiences.
3. Educate and Share Knowledge
There are so many tools at your disposal—from newsletters to social media posts, take full advantage and then spread awareness and educate others about the realities of women's health issues, including menopause.
It's this knowledge that reduces stigma and builds a community of informed advocates who can push for necessary changes in how women's health is perceived and treated.
Elvie's campaign is more than just an advertisement; it's a call to action for all of us to speak up. To be seen and to be heard, to change the narrative for ourselves and for the next generation of women navigating the challenges of womanhood, including menopause.
So thank you for leading the way Elvie! We see you, we hear you, and we are with you.